Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Letter from J.B. to his brother John Stubbs

Panama Sept 16th [1862]

Dear Bro,
You have gone and done it. I was a little surprised when Jane wrote and told me you had gone. And still I wasn't much surprised. for I knew you had been burning to go since the war commenced. I have been waiting to get an address so I could write you but I have not heard and I will not wait any longer. but trust to luck for it to get to you. I am proud to think that one of the Stubbs family has had patriotism enough to fight for his glorious country. Our folks feel bad about your going as your health is so poor. I am in hopes however in that respect it will be a help to you and that you will return a strong man. How do you like it so far and where are you. in what company and under what Captain. Write and give me all the news. I had letters from Jim & Newt a few days ago. James is making preparations to go to Philadelphia about the first of Oct. his health is not very good. Newt is about as usual. I received a letter from Jane last week she was in Cleveland. she is going to Edenburg before she returns home. The people in Pennsylvania are getting pretty will arroused. people are making to arms to defend their own state. there was a Co. of Minute men went through here on the cars this afternoon, it was going to Harrisburg. They are having War meetings all over the state and organizing malitia. We received the news of McClellans victory at Hagerston and it has made the people go jubilent. Where will Maria and Newt stay while you are away. on the farm. did you sell your cattle before leaving. My health is very good. Much better than it has been before in some years. I weigh about 15 pounds more than I did when I came here. Have a good deal of business now days. shipped a good deal of stock and lots of [?] I dont think I will remain in this office more t han two or three weeks longer. think I shall have an office further West. Hope I shall for I am above tired living here in this room. If you get this letter, please answer as soon as you can and give me all the news. I must close.
Your Affectionate Bro
JB Stubbs

Direct to JB Stubbs, Broken Straw, Chautauqua Co., Ny

(This letter was saved with the rest of John Stubbs' Civil War letters to his parents or wife. Apparently, this letter never reached John.)

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