Mary Kellett Cole Stubbs
Born: 14 April 1798
Died: 17 April 1886
Mrs. Mary, wife of the late Rev. Thos. Stubbs, died April 16, 1886, aged 88 years and two days. She was born in the beautiful lake country in the north of England. At the age of six she received a copy of the Scriptures, still retained in the family, for repeating the catechism, in the Church of England. In the year 1830, she was married to Rev. Thos. Stubbs, with whom she lived 53 years, surviving him two years.
In the year 1832, she came to Ohio, and for 50 years endured the hardships, passed through the shadows, and enjoyed much of the sunshine of the itinerant's life.
She was strong in all the traits of her character; slow and cautious in making friends, but friendship made was life-long; rigid and exacting in her sense of justice; intolerant of shams, and hating a lie; indomitable of will; despising the weakness that succumbed to pain.
The spiritual sense was strong, and the very last of her faculties that failed her. When she no longer knew friend or child, and when seemingly all knowledge had failed, she clung to her God, and never forgot the Lord's prayer.
"After weariness and pain untold she has joined the loved of other days; and the old, worn garment of dust has been replaced by the robe of white."
These lines, from the hand of one very intimately acquainted with her, tell briefly, but well, the story of a life whose currents ran deeper and stronger than was known to those not intimately acquainted. She will be remembered, by those who knew her when young and vigorous, as a woman of excellent Christian character, unassuming, but positive, conscientious and resolute, ever ready to meet the responsibilities and bear the burdens of the itinerant's wife, that were in an early day more onerous than now. She managed her affairs with discretion, so caring and providing for the comfort of the household, that with limited resources no real want was felt or feared. Her husband, devoted to his life work, trusted in her, and the children grew up to honor and bless their mother. More than once during her long and severe affliction, "Father Stubbs", who Superannuated while yet able to do effective work, was heard to say, "I am not personally disabled, but only detained, a prisoner of love." His loving service, so true and tender, was continued assiduously long after her ability to appreciate it was lost, and his decease, mourned by others, was scarcely known to her who in life loved him most.
We encounter much of mystery of which no present explanation is sought, but are sure there is a better country where the good and true are abundantly compensated for all they suffer here.
("Minutes of the Erie Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church," 1886, Pages 39-40)
Mary first married Samuel Cole and had the following 2 children:
Joseph Elwood Cole (Born: Jan. - Apr. 1823; Died: 22 August 1844)
Mary Kellett Cole (Born: December 1824; Buried: 20 December 1825)
Mary Elizabeth Cole (Born: April 1826; Buried: 24 August 1826)
Jane Bird Cole (Born: 24 June 1827; Died: 02 August 1885)
Samuel Cole (Born: February 1829; Buried: 26 August 1829)
Jane Bird Cole (Born: 24 June 1827; Died: 02 August 1885)
Samuel Cole (Born: February 1829; Buried: 26 August 1829)
Thomas then married Mary Kellett Cole (Abt 1828, England).
They had the following children:
They had the following children:
John Stubbs (Born: 07 August 1831; Died: 03 January 1911)
Thomas Stubbs (Born: Oct. - Dec. 1833; Died: 19 July 1835)
William Stubbs (Born: 14 December 1835; Died: 05 October 1840)
James Stubbs (Born: 14 February 1838; Died: 15 June 1916)
Robert Newton Stubbs (Born: 19 January 1840; Died: 17 November 1929)
Jabez Burton Stubbs (Born: 17 November 1841; Died: 19 September 1913)
Click on any of the links below to find out more about Mary Stubbs:
'Our Mother': The Story of Mary Stubbs by Jane Bird Cole
The Last Will and Testament of Mary Stubbs
See Mary Stubbs on